
A variable can be defined as a symbol that refers to an object, such as a string, integer, or list.

Try the example commands, in the order shown below, at the Python prompt; you should get the same output shown below as well:

>>> x = 5

>>> x

>>> x + 10

>>> y = "hello"

>>> y

>>> y + " and goodbye"
'hello and goodbye'

As you can see from the examples above, the = sign lets you assign symbols like x and y to data. The variable stands to the left of the = sign. The data to the right of = is the value temporarily assigned to that variable. Just as it may be surprising to discover that the 1 on your keyboard can be used to represent either a numeric value or (when contained within quotation marks) a string, so it may seem unusual, especially for folks outside the STEM fields, to think of a word or other combination of letters as a “value.” Python doesn’t find either of these possibilities odd at all.

Note, however, that while you can use the + operator either to sum two numeric values or to join (aka concatenate) two strings, Python will not be happy if you try to use it to concatenate a numeric value with a string:

>>> x = "The sum of 2 + 3 is"
>>> y = 5
>>> x + y

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

We’ll have more to say about error messages like this in Python in a bit. It’s easy to see, though, why Python would categorize this one as a TypeError; we’re asking it to concatenate data of two different types, one of which is str and the other of which is int.

Since we know that we can express a number in Python as a string value rather than a numeric one, the way to avoid this error should be clear:

>>> x = "The sum of 2 + 3 is"
>>> y = " 5"
>>> x + y

'The sum of 2 + 3 is 5'

Notice that in our solution, the string that’s being stored in the variable y begins with a space:

" 5"

In a string, space isn’t the absence of a character; it’s a character itself. Try the above solution in your own terminal, omitting the space (i.e., setting the value of y to "5") and see what you get.

Variables can be set to data types other than int and str, including list and similar data types that group data elements together (aka arrays).

>>> books = ['Gender Trouble', 'Cruising Utopia', 'Living a Feminist Life']

>>> books
['Gender Trouble', 'Cruising Utopia', 'Living a Feminist Life']

>>> type(books)
<class 'list'>

Variables can contain letters, numbers, and underscores, but not spaces. If you want to combine one or more words in a variable name, you can do so by using hyphens, underscores, or mixed case (e.g.,my-books, my_books, myBooks, but never my books). A Python variable cannot begin with a number. Try using 1Book as a variable and Python will throw a SyntaxError.

The Python Foundation maintains a style guide that covers a wide range of best practices for writing Python code, including naming conventions.