28 Sep 2023
by Paul Schacht, CDL Director
Labels: News
digital humanities
artificial intelligence

Ada Lovelace Day returns to Geneseo on October 12, 2023, in the MacVittie College Union Ballroom from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in STEM held each year since 2009 on the second Tuesday in October. Because that day coincides with Geneseo’s fall break, we’re marking ALD later that same week, after classes are back in session. But if you have a chance to check out the streaming events on October 10, we encourage you to do so!
Visit the CDL’s Ada Lovelace Day 2023 at SUNY Geneseo website to learn about the planned activities, including presentations on Visualizing Women in Science and notable women in the history of physics and astronomy, a Wikipedia edit-a-thon, and a workshop on poetry and generative AI.
Everyone’s welcome. Be sure to bring your laptop for the edit-a-thon!
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01 Feb 2023
by Paul Schacht, CDL Director
Labels: News
digital humanities
black history month
Mary Ann Shadd Cary. Image: Public domain. Design: DouglassDay.org.
This February 14, as part of Black History Month, SUNY Geneseo will participate for the first time in Douglass Day, a global annual event intended to create communal spaces for remembering and preserving Black history with Black communities in ways that promote critical reflection and joy.
Please join the SUNY Geneseo Center for Digital Learning, Center for Integrative Learning, and Teaching and Learning Center on February 14 as we celebrate Douglass Day in the College Union Hunt Room from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.—watching the organizers’ live stream together and participating in this year’s Douglass Day transcribe-a-thon.
You’ll find more information about the event on Geneseo’s local Douglass Day website. But, you may already be asking yourself, “What is a transcribe-a-thon?”
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19 Apr 2022
by Paul Schacht, CDL Director
Labels: News

Classical cryptography before 1976
If you missed our two-episode miniseries on cryptocurrency earlier this month, or you simply want to relive the thrill of learning about blockchain technology and its impact on finance, the environment, and politics, you can now watch the episodes on our YouTube channel.
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01 Apr 2022
by Paul Schacht, CDL Director
Labels: News

Tales from the Crypto series poster by Amanda Schmidt
Cryptocurrency, ledgers, digital wallets, NFTs: Suddenly they’re everywhere. But for many of us, these terms and the technologies they stand for remain ciphers, shrouded in mystery. How do they work, and how are they affecting our world?
To help you penetrate the fog, the Center for Digital Learning is bringing together SUNY Geneseo faculty experts from multiple disciplines for two virtual sessions. Each will leave time for Q&A and discussion. Registration required.
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07 Oct 2021
by Paul Schacht, CDL Director
Labels: News
digital humanities
Portrait of Ada Lovelace by Alfred Edward Chalon, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
The Center for Digital Learning invites you to join in our first-ever celebration of Ada Lovelace Day on Tuesday, October 12. To help us mark the occasion, Prof. Anne Pellerin (Physics) will give a Zoom presentation on the important contributions of women to the field of astronomy, and Prof. Lytton Smith (English) will run a hands-on Zoom workshop on writing poetry with Python. We want to make ALD a regular Geneseo thing, and you can be sure that we’ll be coming to you for help in planning future celebrations!
Geneseo Ada Lovelace Day 2021
Registration required
- 12:00 p.m.: Prof. Lytton Smith (English/CIL), Python Poetry. This hands-on, one-hour Zoom workshop will use Trinket.io to introduce you to the basics of code-inspired poetry. You’ll learn about some of the exciting writers producing digital poetry today, generate two poems of your own, and think about how the poetics of code can also help your offline writing. No knowledge of code required! Register now.
- 1:30 p.m.: Prof. Anne Pellerin (Physics), Women in Astronomy. Prof. Pellerin will give a half-hour Zoom presentation on the important contributions women have made to the field of astronomy, with time afterwards for questions and discussion. Register now.
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