Center for Digital Learning at SUNY Geneseo

ASSESStivus 2021: assessment for the rest of us

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SUNY Geneseo’s annual presentation, workshop, and panel event “Assessment for the Rest of Us,” or, ASSESStivus, is being held remotely this year, spanning Monday, January 25th and Tuesday, January 26th. This event is open only to members of the SUNY Geneseo campus community, and registration is required for security purposes, but attendees can register at any time, up to the end of the session.

See the ASSESStivus Schedule at

CDL Panel — Effective Online Programming: 3 Lenses for Assessment

To adequately assess the effectiveness of an institution’s online programming, we must evaluate at least two things: institutional inputs (the organization and implementation of the programming) and student outcomes (the skills and knowledge obtained by students in the program). This session will explore three different lenses through which to evaluate institutional inputs: instructional design, pedagogy, and institutional values. Although each of these lenses makes visible all the important aspects of input-related effectiveness, each also brings certain of these aspects into sharp focus. Adequately assessing effectiveness requires that we inspect and measure our programming through all three lenses. The session will invite discussion about the best way to accomplish this goal.
